In April of this year I attended a two-week residency at Art Print Residence in Arenys de Munt, a small town outside of Barcelona. My wonderful hosts were Ariadna Abadal and master printmakers Jordi Rosés and Clàudia Lloret. Photographer Milena Rosés Lloret was my Spanish teacher and Barcelona host (and very helpfully advised me to make pa amb tomàquet—shown right—for breakfast).
I’m not a printmaker — this was a research and development residency for me — but it was such a privilege to spend time in Jordi’s and Clàudia’s print studio, where I could photograph them at work with fellow residents Marlene Moris, Jacqueline Aust and Kimberly Nguyen. Also, there were turtles.

This trip was a big deal for me — my first trip to Europe, but also a much-needed break from the intensity of my studies. When I entered art school over six years ago (I am studying very part-time, it’s kind of like a really structured art practice), my approach to photography was one of experimentation and play. As I became more focused, I became less spontaneous and experimental and only produced work that had a concept, a reason for existing. Barcelona allowed me to get back to taking photographs for the love of it. I also did several pinhole photographs, and I’ll post a few in the fall.